Android Beautiful Progress Dialog

2 min readAug 25, 2020


App branding matters. This small Android library lets you show a custom Progress Dialog. The view can be an:

  1. ImageView

2. GIF

3. Lottie Animation View

Lottie: Lottie is a library for Android, iOS, Web, and Windows that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile and on the web!

Look for awesome Lottie animation here.

To add BeautifulProgressDialog into your app,

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.basusingh:BeautifulProgressDialog:1.001'

Create a dialogue

//Params: Context, View Type, Text Message
BeautifulProgressDialog progressDialog =
new BeautifulProgressDialog(MainActivity.this, BeautifulProgressDialog.withImage, "Please wait");

View Type:


Create an Image Dialog with Text Message

progressDialog = new BeautifulProgressDialog(MainActivity.this, BeautifulProgressDialog.withImage, "Please wait");

Create a GIF Dialog without Text Message

progressDialog = new BeautifulProgressDialog(MainActivity.this, BeautifulProgressDialog.withGIF, null);
Uri myUri = Uri.fromFile(new File("//android_asset/sample_gif_1.gif"));

Create a Lottie Animation Dialog without Text Message

progressDialog = new BeautifulProgressDialog(MainActivity.this, BeautifulProgressDialog.withLottie, null);
//Loop the Lottie Animation

Show the Dialog;

Dismiss the Dialog


Additional Style

Set Background Color


Change View Type


Don’t forget to change the source of each view type

Available methods:

//Set Image Resource
setImageLocation(Drawable drawable)
setImageLocation(Bitmap bitmap)
setImageLocation(Uri location)

//Set GIF Resource
setGifLocation(Uri gifLocation)

//Set Lottie Resource
setLottieLocation(String url)

Custom font for the message

//By default, the font is avenir_bold
setFont(String font)

Change message

setMessage(String text)

Remove message


Additional Methods:

//Dialog cancelable on touch outside
setCancelableOnTouchOutside(boolean value)

That’s all!

Full source code is available at:

Please feel free to add new features to it. I’m currently adding a Progress Bar and rounded corners to the view.


P.S: If you are new to Android, here is an awesome article I wrote on getting started with Android:

Building an Android app — From scratch to pro! [1]



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